Community Spirit
There has long been a strong community spirit in Crooke Village, not least when the forming of The Crooke Village
Co-operative saved the village from compulsory purchase or should I say demolition by Wigan Council.
The Co-operative ended in 2008 when Adactus Housing Association took over the houses that were owned by the
In October 2009, The Crooke Village Residents Association was formed and is open to all residents in the village.
Already, we have a representative on the Shevington Parish Council and representation on the Shevington & District
Community Association. We are also working closely with local Councilors and with various departments within the
Wigan council.
As resident and members of the association, we have taken pride in our village and have worked hard to make the
village look more tidy and clean. We started by clearing away the excess shrubery from aroung the land where the
tippler used to stand, by widening overgrown foot paths, planting trees and bulbs, cutting down some dead trees
and generally improving the appearance of the village.
The Crooke Village Residents Association holds an open meeting to all of the village residents, tenants and house
owners alike, once a month and each meeting is publicised in advance with an agenda being posted on the village
notice board. These meetings take place on every second Tuesday of the month starting at 7:00pm. The agenda, when
posted on the notice board, will advise of the location of the next meeting. If you wish to know what has happened
in the past at these meetings, you will find the minutes of those meetings posted on this site either as a recent
posting for the last month's meeting or as an archive where all the other meeting minutes have been posted. The
intention it to keep you up to date with any developments, ongoing projects, monies raised for specific events and
to generally keep everyone in the know as to what is going on.
This association just deals primarily with the upkeep of the flora and the village's general appearance. We actively encourage any resident and/or tenant to
have the right to carry out work around his or her premises with a view of doing something to enhance the appearance of the village.
We, as associate members are also residents and we too have points of views and opinions. If you have any concerns that you think ought to be aired and
discussed, please bring them along to a monthly meeting where you concerns can be addressed.

Here are a few more pictures of men at work within the community

More recently, members of the residents association and others have, with the blessing, permission and assistance of the Water Authority, to paint
the bridges railings and adjoining fencing. They were sadly neglected and needed a lot of attention. The Water Authority supplied some staff
and materials and the villagers and helpers did the rest.

More recently, Villagers have cleared snow from the footpaths and road ways and only recently, taken part in
another litter pick around the village. See below.
Litter Pick
On Saturday, the 5th of February, on a wet and dismal day, 15 members of the community turned out and did their
first litter pick of the year, in and around the village, from the village entrance to the gate at the other end
of the village including the park area and a little by the side of the canal. Thanks to Nick Burdekin from the
council who provided the litter picking sticks along with the rubbish bags, we collected a vast amount of rubbish.
Thanks again to Nick, who arranged for the collection of the rubbish on the following Monday.
These are the pictures of the result of the first litter pick.

A second day of litter picking took place on Saturday the 26th of February where a similar amount was collected but
mostly along the canal from 'The Royal Oak' bridge, past the village and as far along as the sewage pipe which
passes over the canal some 300 yards further down the canal.

No further litter picking plans are planned at present but we now have the tools to do the job when needed.
Litter Picking Day, February 2012
On Sunday the 19 of February, we did another litter pick. The weather was beautiful and sunny but a little
chilly, but we carried on. We concentrated on the Canal banking and collected a lot of rubbish, bagged it
and put it all at the back of the pub, as arranged. On Monday, the council came and collected it so once
again the canal bank is cleared of rubbish. Being so busy, I nearly forgot to take any pictures, but I did
manage to get a couple.

Bulb Planting
On the 27th of February, members of the community planted 4 bags of Daffodil bulbs around the inner end of the village.
We were expecting assistance from Cath Simm and her members under her charge but the weather was inclement and they
were unable to come. There will be another planting day but as yet, that day has not been set. The Daffodils that
are already growing on the green outside the chapel, will be repositioned around the green on that day. In the mean
time, here are some pictures of those planting the bulbs on the 27th.

The (BTCV) British Trust for Conservation Volunteers.
Steve Topping and his crew, members of the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers under Kath Godfry, have been
working in the village for the past week. During that time, they have erected a wooden gate separateing Wigan Lower
Road from the Green to help prevent toddlers and children from running out into the road. It also gives a better
sense of security to the area.
Nearby, the pathway leading to the gate, has been subject to flooding in bad weather so in a bid to reduce that
problem, Steve's party put in a drain that will hopefully stop that from happening again?
Steve and his team have already spent some time working on the green last week outside the Chapel moving the
daffodils. They had been planted in straight lines across the green and they were being relocated around the green
instead. They are expected to return on Monday to finish what they have started there and once the road way
resurfacing has been carried out, they will then return to do some fencing repairs/construction?
Some of you may remember Steve Topping because he has worked with us before. When we started to clean up the village
with Paul Dandy who was part of 'The Street Scene', Steve was the one doing all the fetching and carrying of tools,
trees that were to be planted, the delivery of bulbs and the removal of the shrubbery and cuttings of unwanted
undergrowth. Hopefully, we will see more of him and his party when they come to do other work when required?
As expected, Steve Topping and his crew returned on Monday to finish moving the daffodils from straight lines into
selected areas around the green which makes it look a lot better than it was before. A good job well done.

Latest Village Developments
On behalf of Crooke Village, I would like to thank Wigan Metro for allowing Moss Bank Nursery to dispose of
the bedding plants bought by the council and made freely available to those who wished to claim them. You may remember
a similar project last year where removed potted plants in Shevington were left for those who wished to
claim them, were allowed to do so. As a result of this years clearout, some members of Crooke have
obtained some of these plants and adorned our village with their blooms. It is an ongoing example of
'Work In Progress'.

Trees Behind The Pub
The two fir trees that stand behind 'The Crooke Hall Inn', will soon, no longer be there as they are being
cut down. Over the years, they have grown tall and thick, preventing the sun light from penetrating their
surroundings so it was time for them to go. Liane, the landlady, is planning on having a tree bench built
around one of the trees in the same area to help encourage drinkers to stay on pub land rather than on the
grassed area nearby. Watch this space.

As an Association, we are here for everyone in the village whether you are a tenant or if you are a house
owner. What ever the Association does, it is done on behalf of the village. The Crooke Village Residents
Association meetings are on Tuesdays, the second in the month in 'The Crooke Hall Inn' in the cellar bar
and after the meetings, there will be some light refreshments apart from drink and there will also be some
kind of entertainment presentation. The meetings are open to everyone without exception.
Due to Spring being well upon us and Summer pushing us along, the grass, if left, takes over so we've been
out and done some more tidying up. We have trimmed the grass along the edges of the footways and with the help
of a shredding team, we have whittled down the tree cuttings. It help to make the place look a lot more tidy.
This all goes to help and maintain our community spirit in the neighbourhood.

Queen Elizabeth II Commemorative Stone.
Eariler in the week, the ground was prepared for the Queen's Jubilee commemorative stone at the first corner
of the green outside the chapel. The stone was delivered on Friday the 15th of June and placed in position for
all to see. In a few days, the ground around it will be dressed to finish the job.

Due to an error made in the carving on the commemorative stone, arrangments are being made to have it corrected
and I have therefore removed the pictures of the stone until the correction has been made.
On Thursday, the 5th of July, the commemorative stone was returned and put in place for all to see. Over the
next few days, weather permitting, the area around the stone will be dressed to make it more respectable. The
Notice Board base will also be tidied up as has already been done around the interpretation board.

More work has been carried out widening the footpaths from the over growing grass and mowing the grass
along the sides of the footpaths. Hedges have been trimmed and plants have been planted in various
locations around the village and the weeds have had a good watering with weed killer. All in all, the
village is looking a great deal more tidy than a few weeks ago. The only thing we need now is a lot more
sunshine, or am I being too optimistic?

Today, the 14th July, there has been some more activity around the Queen's commemorative stone. There is
still more to be done but it is an improvement already.

Once again, on the last Saturday in November 2012, a litter pick took place both throughout the
village and along the canal. Willing members came together to clean up and pass their time in
good company. It is always rewarding to see a good job done.

On Saturday the 20th of April, a litter pick took place of the first time in 2013 because the
weather has been so bad and cold that no-one wanted to venture out to do it. While that was
going on, the council was also in the village cutting the grass. It was also an ideal opportunity
to do some shrubbery trimming around the park so the good weather prompts action and so a lot was done.
All being well, the council will be along sometime on Monday, the 22nd to remove the rubbish.

July 2013, Preperations for the North West In Bloom and Maintaining The Village Appearance.
Over the past few weeks, members of the residents association have been busy at work cleaning up the footways,
planting flowers, done some hedge trimming, path widening and various other tasks around the village in preparation
for North West in Bloom. This year, the judges will be calling into our village on Thursday the 25th of July to make
their inspection. Last year, you may remember, we graduated to fifth grade, the highest achievement but lacked a
couple of additional points to secure the cup.
Members of the Association have worked very hard on behalf of the village to help make it look presentable clean
and tidy bearing in mind that at one time, you could not see anything but dirt everywhere. How times have changed
and I am proud to be part of it. I may not be the driving force within the association but I am prepared to set
too and give a hand to help maintain what we have to help make it better for everyone wherever possible. You know
the saying, many hand make light work and it would be a great help if a couple more willing soles were prepared to
spare some of their time for the village? This is all voluntary work and if you could just spare a couple of hours,
it is surprising what can be achieved in that time? All this work is done on behalf of the community with the idea
of encouraging and improving a better community spirit.
On the third of July, Moss Bank Nurseries in Leigh gave Crooke a trailer load of plants which I picked up with
Derek and they have all been planted around the village. I feel we could do with some more flowers in the village
but there are too many other things to do in preparing for the judges, at present.

Prior to receiving the flowers, we have built a recycling garden waste area by the side of the
old rail track footway to the Green. Adactus donated some money to the association which enabled
us to buy some wicker fencing panels and wooden stakes so the area could be disguised and partitioned
off. We built a gate to help keep it tidy and we also built a wildlife hide within the compound.
That is not yet complete but that is in hand. So when you have any garden waste you would like to
dispose of, then you are invited to deposit it there.

Earlier this year, it was decided to plant some herbs in the ground behind the bench where
the coal Tippler used to be. The thought behind that idea is that if you are in need of
some herbs to complete your meal recipe and what you need has been planted, then you are
invited to take some to add to your dish. The herbs that were planted are Parsley, Dill, Mint
and Chives.

We have also carried out some hedge trimming and weed cutting and removing in a bid to
tidy up the entrance to the village but there is still plenty to do.
Over the last couple of Saturday's, we have widened some of the footpaths of encroaching
grass and soil as well as cleaning out the unwanted weeds beneath the benches. They have
also been repainted and their underside appearance has been greatly improved, as you can see.

This is what the next bit looks like before we start to tidy it up.

But before we start that, the benches at either end of the park have been repainted and the
bases finished off.

What a difference a coat of paint makes? They look great guys.
The weekend prior to the 4th of September, parts of a concrete garage were delivered and members
of the Residents Association built a lean to by the side of the existing garages at the back of
the Crooke Hall Inn. It was also roofed and made ready for use but needed a door on it to
finish the job. On Saturday, the 14th of September, members met again on site and built a door
frame to take a modified and rebuilt garage door. The reconstruction of the door is now complete
but needed just a little fine tuning before it can be fitted. Once that is completed, the door
fitted and made secure, it will be used by the association as a store room.

Lawns Wood Footpath.
On Saturday, the 14th June, village members assembled at Lawns Wood and laid wood chippings along its path from the entrance near the Green
to the second bridge along, near to a water feature inside the woods, something over 100 yards. Felt was laid first to help retain the chippings
where they were laid. Two piles of chippings were delivered and the rest will be deployed near to where it has been delivered. Here are some
pictures of the work we have done and apologise for the not so good a quality of pictures.

Within the first week of February, 2015, a few of us set too and pruned the hedge opposite the marina as you enter the village. It has been needing
attention for a while and is not complete. The main reason for this work, apart from helping it to look more presentible is to allow passers by
to see over the hedge into the play area for the children safety from the road. There are those who have misused these grounds and can therefore
be viewed and encouraged to go elsewhere.
Before we started, it looked all overgrown, see below.

And this is what it looks lke now.

We now have a number of tasks or projects ahead of us in preperation for 2015 North West In Bloom. Derek has drawn up a list of work to be done
and the sooner we begin the better. These jobs are:-
There are other ideas in the pipeline, some of which will be done by others but these are the main items for our attention.
We are now into May 2015 and recently two litter picks have taken place. Their results are below.

We were surprised as to how much litter had been dumped so soon after the first pick!!??
Around the 13/14 of May, Derek and I changed the turf around the commemorative stone as it was in poor condition. I had some turf left over from a
job Jan and I had done on our back garden, rather than wasting it by throwing it away and it has made the ground around the stone look a lot better.

There is plenty more to be do before North West in Bloom so we better get cracking?
At the beginning of June this year, Bull Dog Tools donated a few hand tools to our community as well as to others and we were given a garden fork, a
spade, a pairs of loppers and a pair of secateurs which will be put to great use over the next couple of weeks in preperation for North West in Bloom
judging which is due to take place on the 13 July.

Since the 18th July, members have been tackling the Himalayan Balsam which has been growing out of control in Lawns wood. If pulled up, roots and
all, hopefully they will not grow next year, it is hoped.

It has been noted that the Commemorative stone has cracks in it so to help protect it from frost damage, it has been painted with a special resin
to stop the water seeping in. It may have to be done again in a year or so but for now, it is better protected.

Today, the 1st of October, 2015, 8 Wigan Council workers came to Crooke to offer their services to the village for the day, for free. We were
expecting 14 members but the 8 that did turn up, did us proud. There is an arrangement whereby council workers are encouraged to offer their help
to the community, free of charge, anywhere within the Wigan borough for a maximum of two days for which they will be paid, by the council, as two
normal working days. If any of them wish to offer more time over the two days, they are allowed but that time would be donated voluntary. This
was all aranged through Nick Burdekin who's title excapes me but is a member of the Wigan Council.
With their help, we managed to achieve a lot even though there is still more to do, the majority of the work has been accomplished today, as you
can see from the pictures below. There were however, two added bonuses. Neil Shepherd, again from the council, discussed with us the rail track
that runs under the tarmaced surface of the roadway at the end of the village near to Derek's house with a view to exposing the rail lines as a
point of interest for the village and for visitors to the village and secondly, the gully sucker came and cleared the drain near to the pub and
reset the sewer cover into the footway outside of number 30, properly. I complained to the council because the manhole cover had become a trip
hazard. That now has been resolved. All that remains now is for me to show you what we have done today. On behalf of the CVRA and of the village,
I would like to thank all those council members for their invaluable help in helping us to achieving what we have done between us today.

North West In Bloom Judging Report, 2015.
This year, 2015, the judges have sent us, as they have in the past only I have not posted them until now, their report as a result of their
inspection of the village which ultimately earned us the 'Outstanding' award we now have. This gives us a measure of how and where we can improve
for next year. We may not be able to win any Gold or Silver but as long as we can maintain the standard we have set, with luck, we should qualify
once again next year. Even though it was too late for this years judging, next year, we will probably have an added item to share with the judges
that being the piece of uncovered history, the rail line in Crooke. For now, here is a copy of the judges report.

Crooke Rail Line Continued.
On the 23rd of November 2015, Neil Shepherd's men returned to excavate the rail track recently revealed when the Tarmac was removed from above it. Bearing
in mind it has been buried for over 50 years, the sleepers are in remarkably good condition knowing that they were laid over 150 years ago. It took
all day to raise them and by the end of the day, the track had been re-laid on blocks to raise its level and fast setting concrete was poured between
the tracks and allowed to set. The engineers said the concrete would be hard enough the Tarmac the following day. The concrete was poured, levelled
and left and the track was covered by boards for the night so cars could drive over it.

On the 24th, they returned and brought Tarmac to finish the job. The concrete had set so all that was needed was the top coat Tarmac. By 3:00pm,
the job was done and can now see and imagine what it might have looked like while it was a working piece of history. Our thanks must go to Wigan
council for their effort and work put in to enhance our little piece of local history and to my knowledge, no cost to us, we thank you.

We are now in March 2016, where has the time gone? Over the weekend on the 4th to 6th, many people around the country took part in litter picking to
commerate and celebrate the Queen's 90th birthday. Crooke was one of those places and Samantha Cross from the council came down to the village to catch the
pickers doing their stuff. We collected quite a bit of rubbish from all around the village which was then taken away by the council. We just wish
people would take their rubbish home with them rather than dropping it anywhere, especially in Crooke.

On Saturday the 7th of May, residents turned out to help clean up the village. The ladies carried out a litter pick and the boys cleared some of the grass
growing over the edges of the footways which had been scored already by Mike to make it easier to remove. More work will be carried out over the next few
weeks. Here are a few shots of our Ladies and Man at Work & play.

Keeping on top of the gardening in the village is a challenge. We are limited in body numbers and from now on until late July, we will need to put a few hours
in each week to try to get the village ready. On Friday the 1st of July, council members will be comimg to spend some hours working with us to tidy the village in
preperation for Wigan in Bloom. In the mean time, we have cleaned up the footway across the green next to the pub because recent heavy rain washed a lot of
soil down the path so we cleared that away. we then went on to tackly the Hymilain Balsom growing in Lawns Wood. If left, it would take over so we set too
in pulling it. Because we pulled it last year, we have found that our efforts have paid dividend because we had to go further into the wood to start pulling.
Now that we have started, we must continue. There are many tasks that need to be dealt with and hopefully, we will tackly them all given time, but if anyone
would like to lend a hand on Saturday mornings, that help will be appreciated. For now, here are a few pictures to show our progress.

Tree Felling
On the same day, the 15th July, the tree management team came into Crooke and they cut down two dead trees. THere are more to come down yet but at another
time and once the larger tree was down, they cut the trunk into two large pieces and using their chain saws, cut a potting trench into them both thus making
them into planters.

Saturday 16th July
Thanks to the voluntry scheme the council workers have where they come to a place where they offer their labour for nothing, they came on thay day and helped to
do some of the jobs that were outstanding in preperation for 'Wigan in bloom'. There were several task that needed doing and most were at least attempted.
Sam Cross busied herself with another and planted flowers into the new tree planters. Sam and Keith were those in charge.
Tree Trunk Planter

While that was happening, others busied themselves with path edging and widening.

The Defibrilator
On Friday, the 15th July, the Defibrilator was fitted outside the Crooke Hall Inn, about 9 months after we received it courtisy of Councillor Danian
Edwardson. Because the land lord of the pub had changed, alernative mountings were saught but it was considered unsuitable so the brewery was consulted again
and it was agreed that is should be mounted on the outside wall of the pub, so that took place on Friday the 15th.

The Hedge
Towards the end of June, the hedge by the park needed tidying up but a local resident advised us that it should be checked for birds nests so we stopped.
Graham Workman was called in by the council to check it out and we were given the all clear so on the 4th of July, the hedge was trimmed.

Moss Bank Nurserys and planting
At the end on June, Derek an I went to Leigh and collected a couple of trailer loads of plants from the nursery. When we unloaded, we made it known that
we had them and invited villagers to come and help themselves and to plant them into either hanging baskets of window boxes. many did and by the 15th, there
were still some left. Prior to the 15th, Dawn bought some window boxes which residents bought and made window displays for all to see. Those plants that
were left, were planted at the entrance of the village by Dawn, Christine, Sam and myself.
I'm splitting these into two. Those of the planting and those of the window boxex.

Part 2 are the window boxes and hanging baskets. I may have missed some in my haste so if I have, my apologies.

Crooke School Study Centre
Some time ago, Derek found a sign that had been abandoned and it had been tossed into Mill Dam stream, the stream that flows under the road into Crooke and
into the marina. This sign had been mounted when the school had closed and David Bellamy came to the village and he opened the, what was then the new Study
Centre. We are not sure how long this sign had been abandoned but with Dereks due care and attention, he was able to salvage the majority of it and
preserve it. Over the last couple of months, we have been debating where this sign could be mounted but thanks to the work that has happened over the weekend,
it was decided that this would probably be the best place for it, so here it is.

Because we have been asisted by the council, they are also promoting 'The Deal' so we were captured on camera for that reason.

Last year, the pub had a hive of bees in the roof of the entrance to the pub. Well, it seems they are back again only this time, they are hold up in an
expell air vent. It would seem the queen is no longer around but the bees are!

tree trimming Plus
Meanwhile, while all this was going on, some of the council guys pruned the trees and cut back the over growing grass over the footpath around the green.

Himalain Balsom
Last year, a quantity of Balsom was pulled in Lawns Wood which was taking over the floor of the woods. Where it had been pulled lasy year, very little Balsom
grew. This year, once again we have pulled Balsom and hopefully, next year, we may be able to see the woods for the Balsom. Here are a few pictures of the
pulled Balsom with more yet standing. All being well, we'll pull more next year.

We are now in March, 2017 and the weather is becoming better and the flowers are beginning to bloom once again. On Saturday the 4th March members have been
out to help put a new face on the village by litter picking and clearing away fallen leaves from the roadway helping to make the street look better. This
has been done in conjunction with Wigan to help tidy up wigan so on that particular morning, there were 12 members present to do the necessary work. More
hands make light work and the sun was at least shining and the air felt a little warmer. As the village is taking on a new challenge this year in the Bloom
competition as a small village, we will have more or less the same goals as last year with just that little bit extra, so it's as many hands to the pump as
can be found. Come along and help and join the camaraderie.

On Saturday, the 18th March, Derek and I went to have a look at the allotment, to see what we could see and to decide what we could and would not do. It had
been mentioned that there may have been a brick footpath so with the aid of a shovel and spade, we did some exploritry work and found that there was indeed a
brick footpath so we uncovered it. I think it was a great start and may it continue. I have enclosed a couple of pictures taken before any digging was
started so the difference can be seen.

The weather has finally improved some and so today, the 18th April 2017, we continued to do work on the allotment. The unearthed footpath was widened to see
how far it went, another couple of bricks wider, the plastic strips that had been recovered were used to mark out the prospective allotments, 6 measuring 4'
by 12' leaving plenty of space for an open gardening area. Ideas were discussed while some trees were lopped and overgrown hedges were trimmed and a fence
supported. When the materials arrive that have been ordered, we should be able to crack on a lot more. For now, the ground is marked out so that is where
we will work next. Here are a few more pictures to keep you up to date.

It's nearing the end of June already, where has the time gone? We are preparing for the North West in Bloom, as we are entered as a Small Village entry but it
is proving difficult however, help has been at hand and hopefully more will be forthcoming. We have done some path edging which looks great because you can
see your results instantly, cut the hedge, litter picks but there is still plenty to do. Here are a few shots of our progress.

The following week, the work continued and more edging was completed. Later, two deliveries of woodchip arrived so a working party was gathered and we set too
and recovered the first part of the footpath into Lawns Wood and the other pile was spread over the tip heading near to the canal.

Our new Bloom co-ordinater came down to meet us a few days ago, that being Tracey Williams. Sam and Nick have sadly moved on to other things but we will carry
on regardless, as we always do.

On Monday the 10th July, Derek and I went off to Mossbank Nurseries in Leigh where we were given some plants and so we went and collected them. We have used
most around the village and there are still a few left to be planted. While Tracey was visiting, she said we could have a largish planter and she arranged for
its' delivery. It has been sited on the grass opposite the green near the Notice board. It already has a plant within it, a Flax plant, which needed tidying
up which has now been done. Moss Bank also delivered some more flowers with it so they will help around the village.

Some New Track In Crooke
Thanks to Railtrack and Derek for contacting them, it was asked if they could supply and fit a short legnth of rail track on the footings of the coal tip where
the barges were loaded with coal so that it would give an onlooker an idea what the tip may have looked like in its day? We know it is not exact but it will give
the viewer an idea of how it may have looked. The project is not yet finished as there is more to be done but it has been a great start.

And these are the guys that made it all happen. Thanks fellows.

A Further Addition to our construction
As a result of the new rails being laid, it has now been possible to add the latest thing that helps to make it look more authentic. A few years ago, a friend
of Mike found, sticking out of the ground, a buried John Pit pit tub which took him 3 days to recover. Thanks to this unknown beneficiary to us, he has
donated this truck to our care and it has been duly mounted on the inner track way of the new assembly. It needs attention which it will receive over the next
few weeks in order to preserve it for as long as possible.

A Fresh Look At Our Allotment
Thanks to Mike Smith, he has taken on the task of making something with our allotment. It has been in our possession for four years now but due to complications
of one kind and another, although work was started, not much else happened, until Mike took up the mantle. Thanks to a neighbour, who's name I cannot remember
for the moment, he has helped by cutting the grass from time to time when it was needed and has helped to keep it under control. Over the last few months, Mike
has taken time out to create a plan to make use of the allotment on behalf of the village. his plan is to plant some fruit trees, create a herb garden and to
sew a wild flower meadow all within the allotment.
I was asked if I could keep a pictorial record of the development, so I took the first pictures on the 8th on March before the new work started.

By the 24th of May, the grass had been cut again ready for work to begin.

On the 2nd of April, an effort was made to turn the ground over but because the ground was so hard, not a lot was done but some brances of overhanging trees
were pruned and markers for the fruit trees were sited.

By the 11th of May, heavier machinery was brought in and a section of the plot was turned over, the trees had been planted and the existing footpath has
partly been removed and maybe relaid at a later date? When the pathway was uncovered, it started at ground level but as it was being exposed, it was
found to be becomming the further it went, so taking it up is probably a good idea.

And finally, pictures taken today show how much more has been done since my last visit. It looks like the first load of ground turned over has been graded and
a fresh patch of ground has now been turned, todays date being the 20th of May. We look forward to further developments?

Sadly, we have lost Derek because he has moved but life goes on and a couple of things have happened recently. The hedge has had another trim and two council
Workers have done some repair work just outside the play area for the children. The ground by the gate needed attention so that was attended to last week.
Sadly, we have also lost Mike who was working on the allotment but hopefully, that will continue without him. We wish him well.

Around two months ago, the council came after a Councillor Janet Brown made the request for them to come on our behalf and cut the hedge oposite the marine
looking over the park. When they came, they only cut half the hedge so it has now been finished off.

Thanks largely to Morag, for her time spent watching and metering the traffic coming in and out of the village along with other volunteers, it was found that
many people were speeding as they did so. Thanks to the council, she was supplied with a speedometre and took reading of traffic and as a result, they
recognise the complaints were proven so the council have been and erected notices on lamp posts asking people to slow down.

Here's another look at our Allotment.
Over the last few months, Mike Smith left the village and he was the one who took over the planning of the area and he did a lot of work to start it off. But
since he has left, it is good to know that all his hard work did not go in vain because Peter and a couple of others have made great strides in its development
and I am to understand that some people have benefited from the proceeds grown. Peter has also managed to find a shed and has built it on site for our use. A
couple of other guys have been keeping the grass cut. I have a few pictures but they are a couple of weeks old but they will give you an idea what it looks

We are now into August 2020 and residents have been complaining that the shrubbery that flanks the foorpath on the lower side of the green has been overgrowing
over the footpath causing walkers to walk on the grass off the metaled footpath. At the CVRA Zoom meeting last Tuesday, I offered to cut back the shrubbery
and cut back the overhanging tree branches to restore the width of the footpath to a reasonable distance, so, on Wednesday last, a day after the meeting, I
went into the park and did just that. While I was doing, Peter Riley, a resident in the Marina, came along walking his dog and offered to give me a hand.
Peter is on furlo as a taxi driver and he is not too sure whether his job is still there but he was kind enough to asist me. Here are a few pictures of the
cleared footway along with a picture of Peter and his dog. Thank you Peter for your help.

Cleanup along the side of the canal and a Litter Pick
We are now into July 2021 and with the help of willing helpers, we have made an attempt to clear some of the Himalayan balsam as well as doing a litter pick.
On June the 22nd, Clare Kenyon from The Dougls Rivers Association, members from the Canal and River Trust as well as some members of Groundwork and Stormwaters
Shepherds and willing members of the village, did both a Litter Pick and set about pulling Hymalayan Balsam between the canal and the River Douglas. In my
opinion, if this is to be achieved with any great success, this event should be repeated to help keep the Balasm down but to my knowledge, no further dates
have yet been set? a great deal of Balsam has been pulled but I fear we have only just scratched the surface. So, here are some pictures of those working and
some of the then end results.

The Gardening Club
It has been a while since I have posted anything upon this page as severl members who were active in the village are no longer with us for one reason or another.
needless to say, I have conentrated on the Events page. EThis subject falls under the catgory of community work so this is it. Earlier in this year, 2023,
Dawn Glynn formed a gardening group and this group has about seven or eight members who are prepared to put in time to do bits and pieces around the village.
It's the kind of thing that Derek Keen and others did in the village. One of thge latest projects that the Gardening group were involved in, was the planting
of a tree on the Green outside the chapel. As it happens, it was a lovely day and they did a fantastic job and here are the images captured on that day. As
a matter of interest, if any villager wishes to help and become a member of the gardening group, everyone is welcome. Because of other commitments, I was
unable to attend but would have been there otherwise.

Rememberance Day
On Saturday, the 11th of November 2023, a few vetrans and concerned members gathered around the war momorial tree behind the chapel to comemorate those who
have lost their lives fighting, not just for England but for all those who have perished in war, including those involved in present conflicts around the
world now. The national rememberance sevices took place the following day, Sunday the 12th. Less we forget, WE WILL REMEMBER THEM.

Gardening Club
We are now at the end of March, next week will be Easter 2024! Where has the time gone? As time has gone by, things have changed, people have moved on or
passed away, most of those who were around at the beginning have moved away and new faces have moved in. All the original folk who were around, are not any
more and so what was done by the village community to enhance the village and take care of it, has now fallen to a new idea and a way of doing the maintenance
around the village. Now, thanks to an energetic village member, we have created a new group of members and they are part of the newly formed 'Gardening Club'.
Thanks to them, the good work continues and work is done little and reasonably ofter. It improves camaradery and continues the work of looking after what we
have, our village. All our village residents are invited to come along and give a little of their time and effort to help those already working? The days
of working may vary but most of the work is carried out over the weekends? So, here are a few images of our members who welcome anyone who would like to
offer their time and effort and they may be rewarded with a Bacon Butty or something else of a similar nature as a way of saying thank you for your help? It
also becomes a social event where we can chat and have a laugh and pass the time of day? I too will and do help when I can and the work done improves the
image of the village.

Gardening Club activity
On Saturday the 20th April a little more gardening was done to help tidy the village a little more. The Bluebells were out as well.

Recycling Centre
Thanks to Mike and Peter, a new recycle centre has been built. The last one fell into disrepair after several years of good service which had worn it out
rendering it useless so a replacement had to be buily, so here if it, and a fine job it is too.
