Thanks to Dawn Glynn, we have a new page that supports C.H.A.N.T., that deals with Crafts, History, Art & Nature together. Chant is designed for
everyone to have a go and to take part as a community venture. Below are the three pictures of the proposed Chant program, pages 1 and 2 explain
what it is all about and page 3 is a residents questionnaire so she can assess the feedback to put her ideas into action? It is hoped her new ideas
will be a refreshing change and perhaps an encouragement to do something new?

Once you have received your copy, if you would kindly answer the questions on the last page and let Dawn from 105, or Morag at 76 or Howard at 66
have your completed questionnaire and the results will be discussed at the next CVRA meeting on November 9th when we can talk about its progress.
Wreath Making
This will be the first event under the C.H.A.N.T program and will take place in the Methodist Chapel on the 12th of December from 2pm to 4pm. I have
no other details presently but if I learn anything more, I will let you know.
Here are the pictures that Dawn took and passed on to me By all accounts, everyone had an interesting day and everyone went home with a personally made
wreath. I believe there were 15 in attendance and everyone enjoyed their wreath making experience. Christine Keen, one of the attendees made a lovely wreath
and now has it hanging on her front door, so here is a picture of it along with the others.

On the 20th of February, the card making program went ahead which was again well attended. I only have a couple of pictures of that event, one of some made
cards and the other of some of the cakes and biscuits that were consumed on that day. There is now a look forward to the 23rd of April when the embroidery
workshop will take place.

At the October meeting on the Crooke Village Residents Association, also the AGM, Dawn presented her program for the next few months, the next event will be
taking place on the 12th of Novenber which will be Jewellery Making. All the informationyou will need is on the flyer posted below. There will be flyers
delivered through the doors but if you do not have one, if you are able to print off a copy of this flyer, fill in the form that is at the bottom and either
deliver or send to Dawn at 105 Crooke Road.

On the 10th of December, there were 10 members who partook in the flower arranging event. Everyone was happy with thier creations.
The next event will be Fabric Stencilling which will take place on Saturday, January the 14th. Dawn looks forward to seing you all there?
This is the program for this year. My apologies for the delay in posting
