The last time the pub was renovated, it was overseen by Steve Derricot, the previous Landlord. Needless to say, Liane McPhelim, the following Landlady had
renovated the pub further so I have taken some pictures of the new décor for those who may not have visited for a while. Just to remind you that Dean
McDonald is the present Landlord.

The resturant in the pub is now open 7 days a week and there are two chefs splitting the week
between them. Monday to Wednesday and Thursday to Sunday. If you have not been for a while,
it is well worth a visit to try out their cuisine.

The Village Nursery - Our aim is to provide and environment where learning is fun and all children feel safe, confident, valued and loved.
The nursery offers 75 full daycares places for babies and children from 6 weeks to 5 years of age.
Opening hours are from 7:30 am till 6:00 pm Monday to Friday. The nursery has 5 separate areas to cater for the differing needs of each age group
including a dedicated baby unit, pre-school on the first floor lead by a qualified primary teacher and a new indoor soft play area. Meals are cooked
fresh each day by our own cook and our service includes provision of nappies and formula milk for babies. We are approved by Ofstead and committed to
Wigan sure start quality standards. Tel: 01942 323 444.
Crooke Marina - Crooke Marina has grown considerably over the last couple of years. The marina is set just off the Leeds Liverpool Canal and offers
lovely views of Crooke and the surrounding Douglas Valley.
There are other businesses nearby that are not evident in picture form but are flourishing never the less.